Ways to make your life better: 30 minutes at a time

About Me: Chris Ownbey

Hi Everyone,
I was a competitive athlete, martial artist and personal trainer for over twenty years.
I then began a five year journey through corporate America - travelling, sitting at a desk for nine hours a day, And leading a much more sedentary lifestyle. My days began before sunrise and ended long after nightfall.

I had a wife and young child, so I was also bound by family obligations. It didn't take long to discover.

I found myself stressed out, burned out, and overweight. Things were out of control. Something had to be done. I knew better. After the long road back to good health, I'm not one to beat around the bush.

Do not buy marketing hypes: Exercise + Good Food Choices + Sleep + Water + Positive Motivation = Weight Loss.

The secret begins with action. Believe me, I've experienced every twist, turn, strategy, and disappointment to know the difference between what works and what fails. After I returned to coaching and had success with clients, I created what I call the 5-20-5 Program.

It works. 5 minute warm-up, 20 minute workout, 5 minute cool down; you're in and out in THIRTY MINUTES.

Whether you're looking to tone up or have specific goals in mind, I can get you there if you follow my suggestions.

Call me and let's talk about class options, the referral program, or any inquiry you may have.

I also understand how important this decision is for you, so I'm open to a no-obligation meeting with you to see if we're the right fit.

Looking forward to hearing from you and helping you back to better fitness, better nutrition, better health and overall happiness!

Chris Ownbey,

Fitness North Dallas
Home of the 5-20-5 Program
2538 Golden Bear Drive
Carrollton, TX 75006
(972) 435-0000

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